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Baluster Spacing Calculator

Calculate the required spacing between balusters on flat runs or spacing on fences with ease using Chippy Tools.

Calculating the correct balusters/spindle spacing is complex and causes much confusion. Incorrectly calculating the correct spacing can lead to building regulations not being met and balusters looking athletically wrong. The way to calculate baluster spacing differs depending on the type of run, with flat run baluster spacing requiring different calculations to stair run baluster spacing.

How to calculate baluster spacing?

Flat Run Baluster Spacing

To calculate the required baluster spacing on a flat run Chippy Tools will require the run length, the baluster width and the maximum allowable baluster spacing. From this information, Chippy Tools will calculate the minimum number of balusters required to ensure that the spacing between balusters does not exceed the maximum allowable spacing. While Chippy Tools has calculated the minimum number of balusters required it is possible to add additional balusters, thus increasing the number of spaces in the railing. Once the number of balusters has been calculated or changed Chippy Tools will automatically calculate the spacing between balusters, the spacing on centres and the leading and centre measurements for each of the balusters.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the minimum required spacing between balusters?

    The rules and regulations vary across the world. In the US building codes often stipulate that balusters should be spaced no more than four inches apart, with building inspectors often caring a spherical four-inch ball to determine if a railing meets code requirements. To confirm the legal minimum required spacing between balusters consult your local building codes. 

  • How to calculate the spacing of deck baluster?

    To calculate the required spacing of baluster or spindles for a deck use the flat run baluster spacing calculator in Chippy Tools. It is important to note that the Chippy Tools baluster spacing calculator does not take into account the need for any supporting posts for the division of railings into sections. Diving deck balusters into sections are important to ensure railings are structurally sound and meet local building codes.

  • What is the difference between balusters and spindles?

    Baluster and spindle are often used interchangeably when referring to railings. Generally, the term baluster is used when the vertical support is resting on the deck, floor or step, while spindles are usually suspended off the bottom in a horizontal rail attached to the posts.

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